Learn how to love yourself

Six ways to love yourself 

6 ways to love yourself

Most of us are so busy waiting for love from someone to love us that we forget the most important part: one person we need to value first is ourselves. Of course, everyone wants to be loved, and we often believe that means we need to get it from someone first. However, when you seek out love from external sources, you allow it to be taken away from you, leading to feeling broken and empty inside. So, speaking of the inside, why don’t you look inside of yourselves for love first? 

Learning to love yourself is one of the most challenging things to do. It requires you to take the time out to put yourself first, focusing on your wants and needs over others’. 

It might seem selfish at first, though after a while, you’ll realize that before you can take care of others, you’ve got to first take care of yourself. It could include engaging in activities that make you happy or spending “alone time” deep in your thoughts. Interestingly, you could even practice stating positive affirmations or reading uplifting quotes to help you view yourself in a better light. 

When you love yourself, you’ll have a satisfying life as you feel good about your circumstances and your ability to modify them at any given point. In doing so, you’ll be able to spread that positivity with the people around you. You should encourage them to express love to themselves too. You’ll realize that there aren’t limits to how far you can go if you put your mind to it, and you’ll make healthy choices that will guarantee that you achieve your real goals (at least, most of them).  

Loving yourself allows you to have a fulfilling life because you learn that your happiness depends on anyone else but yourself. At this stage, you enjoy your “alone time,” and you’ve found solace in your solitude. As a result, you’re able to love others and be happy when they are happy. The more satisfied you are with yourself, the more capabilities you’ll have to share your positivity and light with people who get close to you. 

There’s no right way to go about it (loving yourself). But all you have to do is put to do so. Next, find the ideal way to make things work for you. It isn’t about the “how” but the “why.” 

But the real question is; why is it so hard to love ourselves? The short answer to this is that we were raised feeding off of the societal norms – one that didn’t teach us about self-love. It may not seem important to some, but self-love is one of the best things you can do for yourself. 

Loving yourself provides you with self-worth and self-love. If you can learn to put more effort into loving yourself, you’ll feel happier and learn to take better care of yourself. So, Save love for yourself first.

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