Find out how not be afraid to say how you feel to people

never be afraid

Never be afraid to say what you feel. Can you imagine a world where there’s no lie, no pretense people being painfully honest without fear of what people will say or think about you? A world where you wouldn’t be scared to tell someone when something they’ve done or what they do is bothering you. There would be no more pretense, no more awkward “what are we now” convos. You wouldn’t have to worry about seaming desperate when you tell someone you miss or love quicker if we all could be brutally honest about what’s bothering us. 

It definitely would have saved you a lot of time as well as wasted effort had a few people around you just been straightforward with you and said, “I don’t think this is what I want,” as soon as they figured it out, rather than stringing me along because they were scared to hurt your feelings. 

This kind of world we’ve painted – where honesty is the best policy, would be so much easier and simpler. It would also save a lot of people from heartache and a great deal of confusion. It wouldn’t be difficult to make it a reality. To make this easy – it should start with you; tell people what’s on your mind. People aren’t as emotionally fragile and sensitive as we are led to believe, and it’s also okay to tell people how you feel. After all, telling others how you feel is the only way you’ll get what you want at the end of the day. 

Expressing your feelings and making your thoughts known to the people around you are important to your authenticity. Now, when you sell yourself short and hold in your thoughts for so long, you’re dishonest, dishonest with yourself as well as the people around you. 

Understandably, it is human nature to want to feel liked and accepted. But this tends to lead to people worrying too much about things that relatively don’t count. You’ll ultimately start to ponder about what others think of you. Worrying excessively will harm your life. That’s not all, and it can also be debilitating that it snowballs to interfering with your ability to feel at ease with not just you but the people around you. Do not let it hold you back and stop you from living your life to the fullest. People are entitled to think whatever they want; you can’t stop that. And just as you are entitled to think whatever you want. But people’s perception of you can’t change who you are, your values, and what you stand for as a person unless you let it get to you. This is who you are as a person, and you’ve got your life to live. At the end of it all, the only person who needs to approve your choices and self-worth is you – don’t ever forget that. Once you stop catering to other people’s thoughts, you’ll find out who you truly are as a person.

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