Find here why you don’t have anything to prove

You have nothing to prove – here’s why 

Navigating through this world is difficult enough. It sometimes seems impossible when you add in other people’s ideas or get swayed by the societal norms created by the world and the people around you. These societal norms include how other people view happiness and define success, but do you want people to help you define that? At the end of it all – these things are personal – and how I view success is different from how you see it. So, happiness and success are personal. In short, you measure yourself by what someone else can be overwhelming. The problem is these are false narrative that leads to frustration and more misery than you’d ever bargain for. There’s that built-in urge to prove oneself to one’s boss, family, and so on. 

youn have nothing to prove

However, the good news is that you question the negative space (the false narrative) and break this cycle. You can define your happiness and success. You may catch some grief for it, and it may be comfortable all the time. However, you might experience some pain, and going down the route of finding your happiness can be uncomfortable, but it’s a narrative you have to change. Use these reasons to choose how you want to live your life. 

Judge your success by your standards

As a modern society, we’ve come to a very artificial view of what success is all about. Unfortunately, reality TV, Music Videos, and movies have bolstered these harmful ideals. As a result, we now find ourselves celebrating public opinion compared to those who have the most technical proficiency and skill. And instead of judging your life by the media, define what matters to you and set your mind to it. Then, even if things don’t work out the way you wish, you’ll be a success by the standard that we’ve created for ourselves. 

You can please everyone. 

Just like Abraham Lincoln once said: “You can please all of the people some of the time. And you can please some of the people all of the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time.” We fear letting the people around us down. Thus, we make too many commitments and take on too many tasks. At the end of it all, you’ll end up breaking down and falling by the wayside. Learn to say “NO” sometimes, especially when you’re trying to make time for yourself or the people who matter. 

Just give your best 

Be a good person, but don’t waste time proving it. You’ll be fine as long as you’re giving in your best. And giving in your best shouldn’t be something defined by someone else but yourself. The fact is, we are afraid to fail. And we also hate the idea of falling behind. But what we fail to understand is, you only have to look at a task you’ve completed, and if you can say that you gave it your best, then be proud of it. 

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