Why you shouldn’t worry about tomorrow
We can always find a thing to worry about – problems never end. The ignorant only fear because they don’t just know enough.; those who know only fear because they know too much – which is the irony of life. The rich worry about losing what they’ve built, while the poor fear is not having. The old fear because death is near, while the young worry about their future-facing life. Like the sand in machinery, worry won’t lengthen your life, but it may shorten it. Fear hurts the hearts of God.
Do you find yourself worrying too much about the future? Do you find yourself constantly always planning and thinking about all the things you are yet to do? With social and professional responsibilities, life can often feel stressful and overwhelming. As a result, it can make it hard to stay in the moment.
Worry is something that we all struggle with from time to time, some more than others. It is hard not to worry in these trying times, especially when we all face different issues with different outcomes. It is in our nature to want to get positive results for all that we expect. However, when we don’t have the desired effect or the impact becomes uncertain, our minds start to worry.
Merriam – Webster Dictionary defines worry as “to afflict with agitation or mental distress, to fuel or experience concern or anxiety.”
Here’s what worry looks like in real life. Anxiety happens when you’re facing a situation in which you don’t understand what to expect, or you do know what to expect and don’t desire the projected outcome. The truth is, in this case, you aren’t taking any action to ease the issue; you are simply thinking about it over in your head repeatedly.
Author and speaker Joyce Meyer describes worrying as a type of rocking chair – metaphorically speaking. She says when you fear, you are constantly moving but are making no progress on getting anywhere, similar to when you sit in a rocking chair. The chair is continuously moving, though it is only stationary.
Don’t worry about tomorrow – that’s the most excellent advice you need. But it does nothing if you don’t stop worrying about tomorrow. It is easy to say but difficult to put into action. There are many reasons why we need to stop worrying as much as we currently do. Worrying is wrong for your mental health. Your mind is encapsulated in the false realm filled with an overall sense of doom. It may lead to panic or anxiety attacks and ultimately lead to depression. There are severe mental and physical side effects to this (worrying). It often leads to withdrawal from all forms of relationships, lower productivity, social anxiety, among other things. Depression, persistent worry, and anxiety are something to be taken seriously. If you are currently experiencing worry to the point of being depressed, you should stop instantly and reach out to a professional. You can seek help that you need – but only if you’re willing and ready to share with loved ones and people who are ready to help you. At the end of it all, take it day by day, don’t stress too much about tomorrow.