Tinx reveals the most helpful method for getting over a breakup once and for all
Tinx, as Christina Najjar, has numerous aliases, including TikTok’s older sister, Rich Mom extraordinaire, Diplo’s girlfriend (mainly! ), and so on. Still, she’s perhaps best known for her dating ideas, which consist of a collection of hard-learned love lessons that she shares with her 1.5 million TikTok followers on a near-daily basis.
The TikTok sensation is single (publicly, at least). But she’s not simply going to the dating pool to meet new people. She’s also amassing a growing collection of dating theories and teachings. “My phone’s Notes App is insane,” she says. It appears to be filled with half-baked (or completely completed) hypotheses, as well as crush and ick lists.
Tinx is possessive of her phone for obvious reasons. “I’m like, ‘Don’t let anyone go through that Notes App if I die.'” Yet, with her new podcast, It’s Me, Tinx, which debuted on Feb. 21, she’s giving her fans a peek into her “scary” Notes with biweekly deep dives into the complicated intricacies of dating — crush lists and all — with biweekly deep dives into the complicated intricacies of dating — crush lists and all.
Celebrities share their most passionate and sad lessons about dating, relationships, and breakups in Elite Daily’s Q&A series Everything I’ve Learned About Love (So Far), and offer their best advice. Tinx discusses the difficulties of dating as an influencer, spills on her worst-ever first date, and proposes a new idea about why being single is kind of the best this time.
What do you like most about being single?
Oh, my God, there are so many things. When you’re single, I believe you get to know yourself better. There’s a lot of time to spend with your friends, and it’s a terrific opportunity to strengthen your bonds. In addition, when you’re single, you have the freedom to form connections with people of the opposite sex in a manner that you can’t when you’re in a relationship.
This is a new hypothesis that I’m working on, but while you’re single, you get a unique treat. If you’re a lady with a best man friend who is also single, your friendship will be very different. It’s as if it’s been supercharged. It’s this one-of-a-kind item. It’s also not possible or desirable to have it if one of you is in a relationship.
How do you go about meeting new people?
My preferred method of meeting new people is to get set up. “Do you have somebody to set me up with?” I’ve acquired multiple boyfriends from setups, and I think it’s absolutely cool and fun to ask your buddies. That is something I enjoy doing.
The apps are useful, but I believe that everyone suffers from app weariness. Right now, everyone is suffering from digital weariness. So, there you have it. Setups are one of my favorite things.
What’s the best dating advice you will ever offer?
It’s not about whether or not he likes you. It all boils down to whether or not you like him. “Is he going to text me?” I used to wonder a lot in my early twenties. Is he interested in me? “What does he have to say about me?” That is, in fact, the completely incorrect perspective.
I wish I’d just silenced my need for approval, silenced my ego, and asked myself, “Do I even like guy?” Do I feel like myself while I’m with him? Is this my funniest, most witty self? When I’m with him, do I feel cute and sexy? Or do I feel like a jumble of nerves?”
Then there’s the flip side of the coin: pay attention to who makes you happy. With whom do you feel most at ease? With whom do you have a good time? Who makes you feel as if you have a ray of sunshine on your face? That’s the kind of person you should be hanging out with. We have a tendency to over-complicate things, but I believe that all you need to do is pay attention to who makes you feel the most comfortable.
What’s the best relationship advice you will ever offer?
Love with all your heart. In dating, we can get beaten up. Our hearts can be broken. It is possible for our feelings to be hurt. And I believe that this can lead to anxiety and terror. But, if you’re going to try it with someone, I believe you must love strongly and be vulnerable. It’s especially challenging if you’re still hurting from the last situation you were in. But all you have to do is go in with an open mind.
I’d also recommend that you fill your cup before asking someone else to adore you. I was always looking for someone to complete me and make me happy while I was in my early twenties. I understood I needed to take care of myself first. I needed to discover my ideal work and a supportive set of friends, as well as feel at ease in my own skin. Now I was eager to find someone who could complement me rather than complete me.
What’s the best piece of breakup advice you will ever offer?
Everything occurs for a reason, and it’s preferable to not have loved at all than to have loved and lost. Don’t obsess about what went wrong or what you could have done differently. Instead, concentrate on what you want to bring into your life. “Well, maybe if I hadn’t done that,” or “What if this and that?” I believe there is a temptation to look back and say, “Well, maybe if I hadn’t done that.” The more time you spend talking about it, the longer the breakup will last.
Instead, try to think of it like this: “OK, I respect and admire what we had, but now I want to bring something new into my life.”
Which famous pair do you admire the most? Why?
Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen. They have a special place in my heart. They’re objectives. They’re amusing. They’ve been together for quite some time. They’re a little private, but you can see they care about each other. They’re goofy. They’re just having a good time. It’s obvious.
What’s your best good or horrible first date story?
I met this man in high school and thought to myself, “Oh my God, I’m obsessed with him.” He’s simply really laid-back.” And, to make matters worse, I drank wine coolers and puked on his shoes.
“That’s it,” I remember thinking. He’s not going to speak to me ever again.” He returned to the shop where I worked the next day and said he wanted to take me out to dinner. “Last night, I puked on your shoes,” I said. Then I thought to myself, “Wow, that’s interesting.” It served as a type of springboard for Box Theory.
What is a worry you once had about dating or relationships that you have now overcome?
If a guy was sleeping over, I used to be so concerned about doing my evening routine. I used to go days without sleeping or taking off my makeup. I believe the whole point is that when you’re younger, you think to yourself, “Oh my God, if I take off my makeup or do this or that, he won’t like me anymore.” It doesn’t matter, according to Box Theory.
“Hey, I’m going to perform my 15-step skincare routine,” I say now. I’m going to have to crank up the air conditioning. I need to put on my super-soft pajamas. I’m going to use my meditation app.” I don’t give a damn, and neither does he.
What is your favourite song about love?
Rascal Flats’ “Yours If You Want It” and Keith Urban’s “Somebody Like You” are two of my favorite songs.
What song has helped you get over a breakup?
Last year, “Julia (Deep Diving)” by Fred Again helped me get over a breakup. I must have heard that a thousand times. I recall being at a wedding and sitting in the Nevada airport, sobbing my eyes out to the song. “Oh my God,” I exclaimed.
“No, no, no, you don’t have to cry again,” I say now every time I hear it. It’s all right.” Now I’m able to listen to it once more.
What is one common misunderstanding regarding your relationship life?
People don’t realize how difficult it is to find a guy who understands my devotion to and obsession with my fans. However, there is a delicate balance to be found. I want him to respect it and understand that my fans are one of my greatest loves, but I don’t want him to be a clout hound.
The majority of guys will either think to themselves, “Ew, I don’t want to date an influencer,” or “Ooh, an influencer.” I’m going to make an attempt to date her.” “Ooh, are you going to bring your little mic [Tinx’s go-to TikTok prop]?” people ask on apps. “Ew,” I think to myself.
It’s difficult to find someone in LA who has no preconceived beliefs about what it takes to be an influencer. That’s why it’s so much better if I’m set up [by a buddy].
To you, what does love imply?
Love entails both seeing someone for who they are and being seen for who you are.