10 divorced ladies share the moment that made them leave their marriages

Today’s article is about divorced spouses and the events that led them to make the decision to end their marriage.
This topic was asked on TwoXChromosomes, a subreddit where everything is discussed through the eyes of a woman. Reddit user utilitariansweater presented a major question to Reddit’s divorced women:
“Divorced women of reddit, what moment with your future ex-husband made you think ‘Yup, I’m asking this boy for a divorce’?”
1. OkashaSan had a straightforward explanation:
“When he kept calling me ‘girl.’ I’m a woman, gosh darn it!”
2. PhxTransplant1 was married to a toxic man:
“When he threw all my belongings out of our room into the hallway and destroyed any gifts he had given me over the years. He had done plenty worse before that and I could rationalize those actions, but I couldn’t rationalize that at all.”
3. gatmandue offers advice about marrying young:
“He cheated with a coworker. I flat out told him that we would go to counseling and work it through. His response was that he wanted his wife AND his GF.”
“Lesson learned: don’t get married when you’re only 20.”
4. motivation vacation was openly deceived:
“I found out he was having an affair. He wasn’t apologetic at all and seemed to have no remorse or empathy for how deeply he hurt me.”
5. Megabyte1 was involved in a tumultuous relationship:
“Oh, it was when he finally got around to telling me it was over after months – MONTHS – of “I just don’t know if I want to be married or not anymore, pity me, this is so difficult a time for me right now!” By the time he finally FINALLY said it was over I laughed, told him to get out, and went to see a lawyer two days later.”

6. funky’s spouse was no longer interested in her:
“He lost interest in anything s*xual, physical affection, kissing, complimenting, or some days even noticing me. He refused to get help. He was happy living like my room mate. I wanted more from a spouse.”
“Also over time I realized I wanted the option to maybe have kids. His answer was never. I didn’t want to intentionally have an “accident” and give a kid a father who never wanted him/her.”
7. AudaxOceana had known for a long time:
“I’m not sure the exact moment I decided to do it, but I distinctly recall daydreaming during the wedding ceremony: ‘I wonder how long until we’re divorced?’”
8. platkat and her husband began to drift apart:
“We were on the tail-end already at this point, but what sticks out the most is our last trip to Atlantic City. We used to live in Manhattan and would visit AC often. I think we saw each other for a few hours the entire trip. We used to want to spend every moment we could together and we always had a great time. But by then, even when we were on a nice trip with the deck stacked in our favor (pun intended!), we wanted nothing to do with each other.”
9. Ennuiwee was physically and emotionally cheated on:
“The physical betrayal of cheating was bad, but the emotional betrayal of him saying: ‘As much as I care what you think of me, I care what she thinks of me’ hurt much more.”
“Really? Someone who stood by your side through parents’ deaths and was actively trying to conceive your kid is equal to a tr*llop you’ve known for 2 months?!?”
10. BlackLeatherRain has a couple of tales to tell:
First husband: When I realized being with him was making me loathe myself so much that I was becoming suicidal.”
“Second husband: The moment he deliberately ignored me in a corset in my last-ditch effort for quality time, and brushed past me to take a shower.”
“Both of these are long and involved relationships and stories. I’m well aware that if I had been a stronger person at the start of both relationships, I’d never have married either of them in the first place.”