Until he is 3 years old, a child must sleep near his mother

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Yes, your child should sleep with you for three years in order to feel safe and develop bonds with you, their parents, as well as to gain various physical and emotional benefits.

According to a study done by doctor Nils Bergman of the University of Cape Town in South Africa, it’s time to ignore those advice to put him to bed in his own room after a few months “so that he gets used to it.”

According to the expert, when a kid sleeps in the same room as his mother, he gets more rest and develops a stronger link with her than if he sleeps alone in his room.

It even demonstrates that children’s hearts are less stressed than adults’. During the study, it was shown that while the babies slept away from their mothers, their hearts were subjected to up to three times higher stress.

Furthermore, newborns who sleep in cribs have more interruptions in their sleep cycles, waking up more at night than babies who sleep in the same room as their parents.

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Children who sleep well have better physical, mental, and emotional development: they are more relaxed, are more robust, have higher self-esteem, and, contrary to popular belief, are more independent and react better in situations where they must make crucial decisions.

In fact, there will come a point when he will ask you to sleep alone because he will feel secure and confident doing so, so forget about words like “your kid will get used to it and want to sleep with you all the time” or “moving him to his own room when he’s older would cost you more work.”

True, some experts claim that sleeping with parents increases the danger of death; however, Dr. Bergman explains that being near to mom or dad does not cause death.

“It’s not because their mother is present that newborns die in their beds; it’s because of contact with other things like toxic fumes, cigarettes, alcohol, huge pillows, and deadly toys.”

As a result, it’s critical to take precautions to avoid situations like these, such as keeping the baby’s sleeping area free of things. Also, sleeping with you does not imply that you share a bed, but rather that you share a room.

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