The most powerful people are those who cry while watching movies

Those who can’t watch a sad scene in a movie or read a sad book without crying are generally seen to be overly sensitive or even weak. In actuality, though, it is the polar opposite. After all, crying over a sad event necessitates empathy, a quality only the strongest people possess.
Narcissists and psychopaths, for example, have been scientifically demonstrated to be incapable of empathy. That is, they are unable to put themselves in the shoes of others and, as a result, remain unconcerned about others’ suffering, even when the setting is artificial, such as in a film.

Don’t be embarrassed if you’re caught crying in front of the TV or at the movies; don’t feel the need to hide those tears that should be proudly shown. Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence, and it is a skill that great leaders and successful people possess.
To put it another way, if you cry at the movies, you’re probably an emotionally strong person who, in addition to appreciating the value of comprehending others’ pleasures and pains, can see that crying and genuine emotions are never evidence of weakness.