The lazier you are, the smarter you are, according to science

According to studies, the more lazy you are, the smarter you are. Without a doubt, not everyone is active every day; there are those that begin their day early and daily till Sundays and Mondays are filled with vitality. Others, on the other hand, like to lie down on the sofa and watch a nice Netflix series, despite the fact that it has happened to us to go out and burn the calories we require, we do not do so because we want to relax. However, persons who prefer to be calm are far more intellectual than those who want to be busy, according to the Sage Journal of Health Psychology.
They claim that while thinking, minds spend more time relaxing, they don’t require as much physical effort. You could be lazy because you are smarter than the common people.
” Intelligence Through Rest ” was the name given to what they found.
And you wonder how this is possible. When we relax for longer periods of time than usual, the neurons begin to receive more space and enable themselves to be filled with all of the knowledge that has occurred in our lives.
People with a high IQ were studied because they are less bored since they have more things to think about, thus they spend more time thinking about the thousands of things and ideas they have rather than going outside to do some physical activity.

This is not to say that they do not exercise on weekends; rather, they prefer to relax and unwind at home rather than go out and do something extreme. It should be noted, however, that the results showed that they exercise more between Monday and Friday in order to relax and unwind at home on Saturday and Sunday.
“People with high intellectual capacities are characterized by understanding complex and abstract ideas and therefore have creative behavior when it comes to finding solutions.”
Their big ability is their thinking mind, and it is here that he spends many hours creating ideas, things that other people do not, which is why those hours are spent creating scenarios of the same problem, associating other circumstances, and looking for new outcomes.
Kurt Von Hammerstein-Equord, a German general and outspoken Nazi opponent, recognized that laziness might spark intellectual abilities and created a classification:
“I distinguish 4 classes: the intelligent, the workers, the fools and the lazy.
The intelligent and hard-working ones are for the General Staff; the others, the dumb and lazy ones, make up 90% of all armies and are very adept at routine tasks. The one who is intelligent and, at the same time, lazy, is qualified for the highest command tasks, since he brings the mental clarity and poise necessary to make weighty decisions. The one who is stupid and hard-working must be protected; No responsibility can be delegated to that, because it will always cause some misfortune.”
So, if you’re a lazy when it comes to physical activity but are constantly thinking of stuff to do and solve, you’re a genius.