Search for a man who will respect the following eight rules for you

Finding love is compared to winning the jackpot. It’s not easy to find genuine, deep, true love that comes only once or twice in a lifetime. The route is really winding and full of turns, but that does not make it difficult.
True love, which you so well deserve, is out there waiting for you; all you have to do is wait. If you haste, you may find yourself jumping from one relationship to the next, either out of fear of never meeting the proper person.
It is entirely incorrect to enter a relationship because you believe being alone will make you lonely and miserable. That should not be your motivation for being with someone and devoting your time and attention to them. To do so, you must form an emotional, mental, and spiritual bond with another person.
As a result, it’s preferable to remain single until you meet a man whose soul is a great match for yours. A man who holds his heart in his hand and expresses his love for you. A man who has the ability to connect with aspects of your soul that no one else possesses. Wait for the man who chooses you every day to come to you and prove that your decision to be with him was correct.
Also, stay single until you meet the man who can help you with these things.

Defends you
A man in love will go to any length to ensure your safety. In his presence, nobody will criticize you or make you feel unworthy. Please wait for this man, who isn’t afraid to go through fire, to come to your rescue and protect you from whoever is attempting to damage your feelings. Someone who is primarily concerned about losing you.
Keep his promises
You deserve someone who is trustworthy and follows through on their promises. A man who calls you when he says he will, demonstrating that his words are backed up by his actions. Someone who does not cancel plans at the last minute due to a conflict with their buddies. You deserve someone who honors his vows, no matter how big they are, and who prioritizes you.
When you are not around, he misses you
Ascertain that the person who will remain by your side is madly in love with you, and that spending time with you is their greatest reward. Someone who gives you a call to see whether you’re okay, to inquire about your day, or simply to hear your voice because they miss you.
That makes you feel amazing every way
You are not here to live life with a sad expression on your face, nor are you here to waste time waiting for someone to ultimately determine whether or not they love you; you deserve much more, the best. To a man who, no matter what, makes you happy and emotionally fulfilled, someone who loves and respects you. Wait for the man who makes you feel every day that exposing your heart to him was the best decision you’ve ever made.

Take your heart in his hands
A man who is truly in love will show it to you via his actions as well as his words. He isn’t afraid to present himself in front of you, to let out his true self without fear of being judged, and to reveal all of his flaws without feeling exposed. Keep looking for a man who will treat you with respect, kindness, compassion, decency, and, most importantly, a lot of love and devotion.
Proves he’s worthy of your love
Remain single until that man arrives who will treat you like no one else has, who will make you feel emotions you didn’t know existed. Wait for the man to show you that he isn’t with you for the sake of having fun, but because you are his top priority in his heart.
Be open to work through any issues that may arise in your relationship
Make sure you’re with someone who wants to address each problem that develops between you because he wants to be okay, he wants you to grow in the relationship, and instead of accumulating unspoken words, he wants you to accumulate just love, acceptance, and good communication. Someone who is always eager to communicate and will go out of their way to find a suitable solution.
Being proud of you
Stay with the man who respects you for who you are and what you choose to do with your life. To show you that everything you accomplish is deserving of praise and admiration. You need a man who speaks of you with adoration and delight, who encourages you to reach your goals and fights beside you to see your ambitions realized.