Mark Ruffalo, the Hulk in Real Life, kept the news of his brain tumor from his pregnant wife to avoid causing her any stress
We’re confident that most of our readers have seen an MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) film or two, particularly their highest-grossing “Avengers: Endgame.” Mark Ruffalo is best known for his portrayal as The Hulk in the massive blockbuster series The Incredible Hulk. However, while he portrays The Hulk on film, his real-life persona is very similar to his role. Today’s wonderful story is about how he safeguarded his pregnant wife from stress.

Mark Ruffalo had a tumultuous childhood. He struggled with undiagnosed dyslexia and ADD as a child. Mark, on the other hand, has courage; he never allowed anything hold him back or prevent him from moving forward. When he got some really bad news regarding his health, he used the same strength and angst to protect his wife.

Mark’s wife, Sunrise Coigney, was expecting their first child. Mark had a nightmare one night that he would develop a brain tumor. He went to get it checked since he was concerned. A CT scan indicated that his dream was correct — he had a tumor beneath his left ear. Mark made the decision right then and there to keep this information to himself and not tell his wife in order to avoid any issues with her first pregnancy.

Mark said:
“I was certain I was going to die, I made a tape for him. For when he was old enough to understand. Just saying, Hey, this is who I am.“
When his first child, Keen, was born, he disclosed the news to his entire family after a few months of keeping it to himself. Mark underwent surgery soon after, which left the left half of his face paralyzed and his left ear deafened.

Mark said this about his recovery:
“Recovery really tested what I was made of as a man, whatever your mind tells you is a limit is a lie; limitations are lies we tell ourselves. Those places where you find resistance in yourself, that’s where growth happens.”
Mark had a difficult time fully recovering from his traumatic experience and returning to acting. Along with a slew of additional issues, he struggled to maintain his balance. But, because to his unwavering strength, luck was on his side as he slowly got back on his feet.

Mark went on to act in The Avengers in 2012, a film that catapulted him to stardom thanks to his alter-ego persona of a gentle, mild-mannered man who transforms into a beast when enraged. His performance was flawless. Mark and his wife have three lovely children and have been married for more than a decade.
We wish this real-life superhero nothing but the best in the future, and we hope he continues to inspire us to reach our objectives, no matter what life throws at us! Mr. Hulk, more power to you!