In a child’s life, the maternal grandmother is extremely important


For a child, the maternal grandmother is much more than a grandma; she is a figure who will always be present, even if they do not see or live with her all of the time.

On the mother’s side, the grandma is the woman who has shared ideals, life experiences, guidance, and a lot of love. However, its presence in our lives extends far beyond our wildest imaginations, as evidenced by study.

We are all genetically connected to our maternal grandmother, according to Alejandro Jodorowsky. In other words, the maternal grandmother transmits the most genetic burden to her offspring out of the four grandparents.


The emotional burden is passed down through the generations, from mothers to daughters and daughters to grandchildren. The grandmother’s emotions during her pregnancy may be present in the DNA of the daughters, and thus will be handed down to the next generation, according to the author.

However, the cases can range significantly from what research suggests; each family is unique, and there is likely more communication with the paternal grandmother at times.


A grandma, whether maternal or paternal, is a highly special figure in a child’s life. Pay attention to their stories, their experiences, and what they have to say about the unconditional love that only they can give.

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