End things before they end you.
It would help if you learned to end a relationship before it never started. But, unfortunately, toxic relationships can be quite complicated to end. Maybe they consciously never wanted you to begin with, may they never really take off, may the timing be just bad, maybe you’re simply trying to keep your distance. Still, if you are dealing with a toxic relationship, sometimes you feel like you need to clear the air about the relationship and let the other person know that things are ending before it’s too late. So, how do you go about it? This and many more are what we’ll be sharing with you in this article.

Ending a toxic relationship can seem sort of complex. However, it’s ultimately not different than ending any other relationship, other than the fact that it may not need to be as serious in comparison. It would help if you pointed out very early what your expectations are as you progress.
Sharing with the other person because you want the relationship to end can help set boundaries (check out our blog section to see an article written on boundaries). Whereas, in a serious relationship, it might be crucial to discuss past issues that create the feeling of wanting to move on at the end. But this doesn’t need to be the case here. More often than not, people get into these scenarios because they’ve not been on the same page.
You might be tempted just to lay off communicating and stylishly fading out of their life, but it’s even way better off facing things head-on instead. If you don’t break things off the right way, refusal to communicate is outrageous, and many people who experience this tend to find this upsetting. Solution? Well, start by giving a brief, non-confrontational reason.
Being upfront pays off in the long run.
Who knows? You might run into someone through dating their friends or coworkers. And it is way better than just standing and doing nothing. Some people complain over the people who walk away from us compared to those who show up to apologize to you.
Understandably, you wouldn’t want to start up a fight because that is tough for many people, and if you’re hoping to maintain the relationship with the person, be it a lover, neighbor, the last thing you want to do is hurt their feelings. However, that’s part of the solid reasons why you might need to end the relationship.
When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you likely understand them well and have experienced some form of intimacy with them, whether physical or emotional. But, of course, that may or may not be the case with every relationship, especially those that are yet to get off the ground yet. But continuing to play a ping pong (going back and forth) with the relationship rather than ending things straight up will send a mixed message to the other person – and you don’t want to do that.