According to a study, living with a man is comparable to 7 hours of extra work for women

The University of Michigan performed a study that revealed essential information.
Many women fantasize of getting married or living with a partner in order to create a calmer day and escape the stress of work, however this concept has been proven to be false.
According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan in the United States, women who married or begin living with their partner add seven hours to their weekly shift. It’s been seven hours!
To put it another way, sharing a roof with a man causes women to be significantly more exhausted.
It’s a well-known tendency, according to Frank Stafford, a researcher at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Analysis. In marriage, work is re-allocated, with men working more outside the home and women doing more household tasks. And for working women, the situation is far worse.

The researchers looked at a database on employment in the United States from 1968 to 2005 to come to this result.
They used this data to determine how long it took men and women to cook, clean, iron, and do other household duties.
As a result, they discovered that young and unmarried women spent less time on chores, whereas married women nearly quadrupled the amount of time they spent on jobs. This drastically increased as the family developed.
These figures were even worse in 1976, according to the study, because women worked an average of 26 hours each week at home.
So the greatest thing you can do is have a serious conversation with your partner about how to share housework evenly, because it is ultimately both of your responsibilities to keep a home in good order.